Suave 24/7 - 365

The Roar…

As I sat in my room frenetically trying to connect to my Mi-fi to watch the end of the 2019 Masters, Augusta National, I was in such a happy, determining mood. Nothing was going to stop me, not even a ‘no signal’ connection from the cable service. It was the kind of determination and energy that drives you to head out into a new week buzzing and raring to take even the minuscule of opportunity and turn it into something legendary.

Tiger Woods after 22yrs winning another major, 1 away from tying one of the greatest to ever do it Jack Nicklaus’ all time record for that competition. It was almost cliché like how Tiger finished, after an impressive front 9 and 3/4 of the back 9, he bogeyed the last hole to finish 1 ahead of the rest of the chasing pack.

The elation and release of satisfaction that came as he sunk in that final put on the 18, I felt that. The joy in his eyes, the hugs to his family especially mum and daughter, it was something truly poetic. This post is a week or two old but I tell you what, what Tigers win did for pretty much everyone who tuned in to all 4 days of his title winning journey (me inclusive) was one of the purest energy you can ever feel.

I remember waking up the next day thinking “I have to smash every assignment this week, and the next week and the week after”. The buzz and energy was exhilarating. I loved it and sometimes in life you need stuffs of inspiration like that to keep you going. It’s not much to do about the person but the manner in which he or she achieves or acquire the feat.

For Tiger, those who are properly abreast with his trials will know that he’s been through his fathers death, more recently his infidelity charges, a drunk driving charge and several times in between, going under the knife to fix his knee and back problems. Look let’s be honest, many would give up after all of that, even his own major sponsors Nike would and maybe some people would argue rightly they should have during his infidelity drama. In a way, both he and them have been vindicated for sticking through the rut and it’s paid off immensely.

Going back to the subject, we are all looking for that major win and they don’t come easy. Heck, you rarely get signs that you are about getting there but that’s not to say, you can’t or better still won’t attain it. Truth of the matter is you will have to hit rock bottom a few couple of times before you get there. The game or industry might pass you by a couple of years but the key is to adapt and believe in yourself regardless.

Also in times when your dignity and pride will be questioned and hurt, having gone through an ordeal or being highly irresponsible, it takes courage and a can do spirit to rise up from those ashes to even attain little wins. Being able to admit to yourself that you were wrong and having the courage to step out and be remorseful about it in public are little wins in itself that you can build on.

Little wins feel like little wins, perhaps to some like nothing but if you understand the concept of how perseverance, persistence and consistence work in tandem with each other, you would understand that you’re always that one effort away from attaining a greater collective.

For Tiger also, it was more than just the trifecta of traits, it was about faith and belief and the spirit to never give up or give in to any shred of doubt. In short eliminating the thought of accommodating a defeatist attitude, and those for me are the ingredients needed to be great.

In a way his feat applies to all walks of life. To the medically challenged fighting for their life, the career person seeking to rise up the ranks, that person who feels their life crashing right before their very eyes, a feat like that should give you the lift needed to battle through the storm.

It’s never about the past, never about the wrongs, it’s about looking towards the future and making the next set of moves the right ones. It’s about roaring back harder when questioned about your attitude and character.

Photo credit: Bleacher Report

Suave 24/7 - 365

State Your Case Or???

I’ve never been the one to accurately take hints. Ok maybe I do take one every now and then but for the most part, I’m usually just bad at interpreting or reading signals.

Do I think it’s a bad thing, not entirely but I do think it’s essential to know how to read them so as to…how do I say this without being an ass…errrm avoid saying, doing or approaching the wrong things and or people.

I was told once of having this knack for being picky or being highly choosy when it came to the opposite sex. My history tab says otherwise by the way. Over the past year I’ve moved from being overwhelmed with love to being questioned about how much effort I put into any form of relationship. Somehow these two always seem to have one constant dominating; the idea of being choosy.

I will be the first to admit that I am a sucker for love and people who know me very well will attest to that fact in an emphatic manner. However, I have become more cautious in my ways, rather than being gung-ho, I’ve grown to take the gradual approach and for good measure.

Somehow this approach has seemed to cost me opportunities and dare I say, friendships along the way. Whether that’s people thinking I have some other people in mind or people doubting I have genuine interest in them because I don’t do as much as they’d expect me to do if we were in actual relationships.

Now usually i would look at a situation like this and be bothered and try to revert to my old ways however for the period of lent (40days) I have managed to accept a few home truths.

One being that as much as you try to let people understand who you are and explain to them how that differs from what you used to be you’re never going to have that level of acceptance. You are what they perceive you to be and nothing disputes the fact.

Two; for all the sacrifices you choose to make, for all the changes you choose to go through, even as far as making an adaptation to balance the structure of you and that persons coexistence, it’s just…never enough for people.

I keep getting asked “why are you single?” and I keep replying “I have no luck”. Listen I know that’s a bs of an answer or excuse but you explain to me how you approach someone today and by tomorrow they’re in a relationship or how someone tells you they’re not ready to be involved in a relationship and the next day or two they’re either pregnant or dating someone without your knowledge. Or, explain to me how you ask someone to be patient with you and they take it that you’re seeing someone else on the down low or even better still, how someone you have a type of vibe with snaps at you for not being responsive enough but yet when probed to find out what they actually want, do not keep it 100 with you.

Which brings me to the subject of discussion; taking hints. Now I am someone who takes pride in keeping things 100. No half arsed answers, no dodgy, hiding of feelings, just straight raw facts. I believe it’s a healthy process and in most cases go a long way to determine the situation at hand and the type of person you are dealing with.

It’s been an issue that has found my doorstep far too often to the point that I even believe there are very rare girls who exist with the unfiltered, straight to point type of persona. What I want to know is why do these type of people throw a fit when the hints are not seen or taken and why do we even have to go through this process of ‘guessing game?’ Why can’t we be more open and down the middle? Is it pride? Is it a culture thing? What’s the deal?

I believe we are in an era where honesty and bluntness go hand in hand. Where freedom of expression, wants and needs are easily thrown out there (and they should) for clarity, efficiency and time management. If I have to be taking hints of whether you’re interested in me or not, or vice versa, we could let a whole decade pass by us and most likely miss out on other amazing prospects each with the potential of being Mr or Mrs Right.

My theory is simple chale, we meet, we get to know each other, then we state our intentions and lay our chips on the table. If it’s meant to be, it will happen, if not we move on. Let’s not keep putting ourselves in positions where we wait in vain, or frustrate ourselves. I’m just saying.

PS: let me know if I’m bugging about nothing or all this actually made sense.

Suave 24/7 - 365

Crank Up The Volume (2019)…


Another year, and this time around there are no fresh starts. There are no “new year, new me” tag lines. In fact, this year, the only thing that’s changing is the volume on the energy. That’s it really; so if you were toned down, time to turn up. If you were turned up, time to turn up some more and if you’re like some who are seeking balance between high and low levels, well I guess it’s time to adjust.

You see how I see this year is pretty simple. We’ve done enough talking, we’ve done enough projecting, we’ve done enough resolutions that haven’t gone according to plan because we’re either not committed enough to go through with it, or we’ve allowed procrastination to lie in the same bed with us.

I’ve resorted this year to doing something a lot of people close to me would say should have been done long ago and that is, as one of my good friends will say “get out of 2011 and find your wife guy”. Now this will by no means be an easy task and I am willing to humble myself, pray and go through all year to get it done. Will I get it right? We will cross that bridge when we get there but there is a catch. The catch is by day 365 of this year, if something hasn’t given, decisions will need to be made, travels perhaps, oh maybe boots will have to be hung.

Enough of me though, what can we expect in this year? What do we ought to do or get right. Well financial decisions definitely need to be better. The savings job is an equal pain excruciating one compared to spending but it’s one that demands discipline and efficiency. Two behavioral traits we ought to adapt if not yet. There will be tough financial times, no doubt about that, but it’s more or less about how we fight and build back during these times that determine our readiness to face the world.

Spirituality is one area I find very delicate in any form of discussion but per the context of the subject matter all I will say is, for whatever we believe / have faith in, it’s time to assess how much of that faith or belief we have and crank up the volume on it as much as possible. After all, faith does move mountains no?

In an IG post I made on 31/12/18 I stated that “Patience is a virtue. No matter what situation it is; work related, relationship, marriage, it’s prudent that you trust the process and give it the required time to manifest itself.” I still run by what I said and to further elaborate on this, you might find yourself presently or at some point in the rut trying to land your feet on a new job or find your feet on your present job. The situation will be demanding and or frustrating but rather than give in, give in more energy. Be more enthusiastic of the endless possibilities based on your qualities, let that positive energy react with your surroundings and watch the universe give you back opportunities beyond your wildest imagination. It’s the power of positivity and it resonates with patience very well. The same energy should be applied to the cases of relationship and marriage. Yes they are two different animals but they share the same fundamentals. They are never perfect, they are never beds of roses or walks in the park and as much as they require effort, they also require patience and trust. Trust in the process that a Rose will bloom out of whatever concrete you and your significant other find yourself on.

The pettiness, the over centered ego, the lack of honesty and the whole shebang should be a disease eradicated this year. Listen, honesty cost 0 of whatever currency from whichever country you come from. It’s a pretty basic fact so I’d rather we focus on that 100% of the time than to find new ways of scamming people in everyday life. Your supposed sense of respect won’t be earned just by the work you do but glaringly by your attitude as well. Have a fix and I don’t mean a quick one, a permanent one. You know you can do better. Fights especially online on social media aren’t my thing. They’re energy draining for one, and honestly if we aren’t squaring up in the ring for charity, I have tons of ways to use my energy to good use rather than to waste it squabbling over TRIVIAL and PETTY issues. Do better if this one falls under your jurisdiction and no I’m not sorry.

Overall, this year should be a year of growth and I mean actual growth not the one we talk about on the last day(s) of the year. I am not asking you to be Mr or Miss or Mrs Perfect because we don’t live in a parallel universe. I am asking you to develop yourself into a better version that you can be proud of. A version that is more alert and more appreciative of the energy that surrounds you. A version that is relentless in taking risks, learning from those risks and finding new ways to win as well inspire people along the way. In a nutshell, let 2019 be the year of your lead. Don’t be that guy or the girl sat on the bench sulking at what could have been or what should have been. You have so much energy to realize your potential and be greater than you could ever dream of and all it starts with, is a little desire, effort. Want it more than the next man, than the next woman. Take charge!

Be a leader, a game changer!

Suave 24/7 - 365

On The Mend…

It’s 3:52 on a Monday morning, about this time I should be saying my prayers, having my devotional and readying myself for half an hour of power walks around the house. Today feels quite different though, the vibe feels different. It’s the day before my birthday.

As I laid in bed looking at the white ceiling panel, fan blades spinning on speed 1, I thought to myself at which point do I feel like I am ready to head back into the game? Am I making progress on working myself or do I still feel the need to do more to feel 101% ready to get back in? It’s really an intriguing process when you are battling with your demons. Do not get me wrong, it’s a hell of a process, energy sapping at most times but when the storms quiet down, the playbacks are usually riveting to say the least.

Last year right about this time, I was crunching numbers on possible projects, running around in discreet, trying to setup meetings, and then having to deal with what seems a nonexistent love life. I eventually shelved these plans momentarily and got myself a job at a company which I presently find myself in. I was swamped with various activities so much that I failed to check in with myself. I figured “hey, I’m good, focusing on the essentials and is good, right?” Wrong!

What was to come was a series of back and forth struggles in the quest to fix the love life, a suicidal death of a close cousin and the most interesting bit, a fight with depression which would see me seclude myself from the world..well almost, but you get the point. I was in a fix. I felt perhaps, I was not cut out for the world and that I had run my course even though I was still in pursuit of my purpose. It is fascinating because at this very time of my life, I was juggling two activities that were toxic for each other; finding love and depression. If you have been in this situation or know anyone who has, you would know it’s like mixing oil with water, or taking in diary products when you are lactose intolerant.

I went through a period only God understood and perhaps my faith in the long run was being tested and my goodness how much of a test that was. It is funny because I always saw myself as a representation of my father, one who made the popular expression “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” look so easy and with panache. A strong head, the unbent one if you like, but one with so much faith and charisma. That is the kind of man I thought I was impersonating at the time and so you can imagine my own shock when I fell into that state. You know what the kick about all this was? It took my cousins death for me to realize where I had fallen off in this journey of life. It took that moment, for that penny to drop to have the seal on my eyes and in my soul to crack open and realize that I was sowing and almost harvesting a seed that would eventually bury me 6-feet deep before my due date.

I sat up on my bed recollecting the moments and it is fair to say, I may have never lived to celebrate the next day. I wondered, what would my obituary say? How would those who on any given day would fight tooth and nails for me say? It felt surreal, but more importantly, it was a cue for me to assess where I was and where I intend to go. I have to admit I feel great right about now, I am fully aware of my surroundings and if not anything, my faith just gets more and more solidified.

I am still fighting with the love demons and maybe that’s a sign for me to not rush into things or maybe that is one hell of a demon which seems to have a Hearts of Oak mentality. It is not about not wanting it, heck, love is such a beautiful aspect of life and I can say that because I have been there before and when everything syncs, it is such an amazing feeling. It is more about me expecting whoever to want it as much as I do. Times have passed where I used to “stretch and break limbs” or in lain man terms, go all out in pursuit of what I thought was the real deal only to come up short. I still have that fire, question is, does she want it out as much as I do? Some might call this being picky, not willing to open up, but to me, I see this as a systematic process which has the potential to work even better than the last couple of relationships I have been in.

I am more decisive and most definitely more precise about what I am looking for and it is not about the flashiness or the body counts or the “Kofi is in one so I definitely need to also be in one’, no! It’s about finding that confidant, that special one. The supportive one who is a visionary as you are and will push you all the way to be an almost perfect version of yourself. To me, the definition of soulmate is someone who irrespective of miles, towns, countries, continent, once you feel pain, he or she feels it too, like in a spiritually inclined, telepathic sense. Do I think that’s too much to ask for? No. Am I searching like a predator smelling possible preys within a 10 mile radius? Not really but I am definitely open to the idea.

However, I need to make sure that it feels right, that I feel right and that whilst I am building on a career, on a business and on my faith, that I am in the most perfect of shapes to have all systems go. Who knows what tomorrow brings though? I could be back here telling you about the most amazing girl I met right after writing this piece. I guess we’ll never know till it happens.


Suave 24/7 - 365

Too Much Love To Hate…

24hours in a day, 7days in a week, 365days in a year. I think I speak for most people when I say being able to wake up every morning to do the things we love, to spend time with the people that matter is probably refreshing feeling known to mankind. I mean, think about it, you’re alive, you’re healthy, you have another day to live your best life or at least work towards it.

It is the little things to be fair that make life living all worth it and all you have to give in return for these grave blessings is just showing an ounce of gratitude. That really is it. I find it most intriguing that with the time we have, people still have effort to “hate”. I struggle to come to terms with that word not because it is a naturally strong and aggressive word but because, in all honesty you would have had to build so much negative energy around something or someone to use the word or feel it in that respect. To be clear I am in no way telling people out here how to feel or in which direction to direct their feelings but I just shudder to think how much energy I personally could be wasting ‘hating’ on something or someone for that matter.

What really is the end result of ‘hating’ someone? Does it alter your happiness for the better or does it add an extra bit of coins in your pocket? Imagine having to balance between doing multiple jobs, taking care of your family, schooling and yet by some miraculous circumstances, still having the energy to hate. The reason we’re put here on earth is to fulfill our purpose, some of us may have found that, others may still be on the rigorous pursuit of it, and for some of us, we may have found it but we’re just not sure how to go about or adapt to it. It really does beg the question, knowing we have something to achieve why do we build so much negative energy and focus on ‘hating’ things when really what we ought to be doing is to moving away from the things or people whose energies do not sync with us.

Even more, we ought to be changing the things within your perimeters and capabilities.  The world isn’t standing still, acts like complaining, bickering, hating, these are not progressive and certainly promote stagnation rather than evolution. Personally, I have so much love in my heart I find it remotely difficult to ‘hate’. It isn’t within my DNA and prior to writing this piece, I tried to remember the last time I thought to myself “I hate this, I hate that”. People you need to understand, there is so much out there to do, so much to achieve, so much love to give. The universe feeds back the energy you give and if that’s ‘hate’, best believe you’re going to spend the most precious parts of your life doing that to little to nothing profitable in return. Just look at on-going wars in war prone countries, imagine what these nations could achieve if they just put whatever ‘hate’ they have for each other aside.

Ask yourself, what is so heart throbbing, so crucial, so significant for you to resent someone or something beyond the realms of detest, or dislike for that matter? Relationships end, and so what if the breakup was hard, so what if he or she did something so repulsive, so deep that you feel like you wasted the best part of your life on him or her? He or she has moved on perhaps and you are probably a web page that got deleted from the browser history. Life goes on to be honest, his loss, her loss, your gain. Your life, his or hers do not revolve around each other, seize the coverage you’re giving to that person or those people all in the name of ‘hate’. Does ‘hate’ get you accolades or some kind of retribution for the pain or damaged caused bearing in mind, the only scars you can boast of are the mend worthy ones to your heart?

Is it all really worth it in the end considering we came individually with individual assignments and once our time is up we will similarly leave and be judged individually? It sounds all cliche, sounds all “yeah yeah, I have heard this umpteen times” but when you think about it, at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter who you befriended today, who you threw sour grapes or rotten tomatoes at. No, at the end of the day, it is about how you impacted a life, changed a situation, evolved and what you did with the purpose to which you were placed here on to do.

That’s just it.

Suave 24/7 - 365

Step Up…

It’s been an awful while since I actually put down regular thoughts so I figured heck why not start again?

I turned 30 a month ago and to be honest, the days leading up to the day itself I wondered how I would feel waking up. Would I be sad? Would I be happy? Would I even actually wake up but I guess that was all the fear running inside of me. Fear of growth? Nope, fear of stepping up. Fear of finally beating my chest and saying it is time to take charge. Time to be the man, time to get yourself a woman and get… wait, ok let’s not get ahead of ourselves here.

I had a party exactly two weeks ago, it was a good vibe but to be honest I was disappointed with the masses I invited and didn’t show up. The day after as I laid in bed, legs all sore from the hustle and bustle of being the ‘super host of the year’, it hit me. It hit me that days like those were bound to come. That you would require or better still request the presence of loved ones to share with you days or moments that are significant to your life and you would get only a handful to come through. In short, disappointment just like death is part of life and the sooner you embrace it, the better days like those do not come as major or minor surprises to you.

I recognize I am at that stage of my life where disappointments should rather galvanize and fuel my desire to work harder, to be better not bitter. It is an evolution that needs to take place at some point and no compromises should be made. You say you are full of steel? Enough talks, prove it! Hence why I perceive human let downs or disappointments to be the least of my problems going forward in this new stage of life that I am embarking on. The popular line of ‘people walk in and walk out of your life everyday’ is not simply a line, it is an established fact, a way of life and I for one have found it at times hard to sometimes phantom the ideology behind it but then when you really take your time to think about it, it really is that simple.

Your happiness isn’t tied to the people around you, you are responsible for how you react to whatever energy they bring to you. Imagine spending a bit, not even a chunk, just a bit of your 24/7 trying to figure out why it is that negative energy is brought to your doorstep, or why pretense is the order of the day for some or why people do certain things in a certain way. Imagine wasting that precious time only to realize that you don’t control those vibes or energies they bring, but rather you control how you react to them.
Do you embrace them or do you push it away? Listen, I would love to have had a manual to live life, to understand why B comes after A and why D comes after C but to be honest if I did that on a regular I’d probably achieve 0.000000000000000000000001% of what I am looking for. Guess why? It’s not hard, life on earth is imbalanced and imperfect, simples. You are not going to be able to change it, it just is what it is. So people will come and go, some things of life will shock you but life will go on and rather than stay stagnant and ponder the ‘coulda, woulda, shoulda’s’, keep it moving, evolve, work harder, be better. These days are not for pity parties or sentiments, like a quote I saw the other day, “Nobody cares, work harder”.

I am looking forward to what this next stage of life brings me, I am hopeful it is full of joy, but more importantly I hopeful it is full of blessings as I also embrace my spirituality more and more. All I can do is to switch up, switch in and play my part. My purpose is yet to be defined but as long as I can stay focus and not let the extras get in my head, I should be just fine. I’ll end this piece with an extract from one of my favorite hymns.

Father, I know that all my life,
Is portioned out for me,
And the changes that are sure to come,
I do not fear to see;
But I ask thee for a present mind,
Intent on pleasing Thee. (MHB 602)

God bless!!


Suave 24/7 - 365

Words Of Inspiration (#237)

I don’t take delight in the fall of others simply because I always like to keep that notion that “it could happen to anybody”. Yeah most of us would not like to admit that now but fact of the matter is setbacks are all part of life’s forte and the sooner we realize that we’re all in this struggle the better.

What is unity? How do you define a united alliance? I ask this because its sad to see that some of us, rather than looking to help out our fellow brothers and sisters in times of difficulty, we choose to troll and make mockery of them. For what reason though?

Humanity has lost its values and gone are the days when you could share your problems with people knowing in hindsight that they would be at least able to give you words of encouragement if they could not help you physically.

These days people look at your struggle and use it as means to laugh a minute without considering emotions and how much to a degree that struggle is. Sometimes I ask myself how did we get here? Is it the present day world we’re living in or did we wake up one morning and inject ourselves with a dose of ignorance / nonchalance?

Have you for a second given ample thought that this could have been or be you? A brilliant and talented individual suffers a setback. Naturally your initial thought is, well this should not be a spot of bother to the individual because he or she has the skill to rise above it, right?

WRONG! That individual like everyone else on this God given green earth is human and prone to error irrespective of it being the odd or regular one. The point is we need to be sensitive of each and every one of our struggles.

You can choose to read this, sit back and make rebuttals like “its never that deep or serious”. Of course its never that until you’ve found yourself in a situation similar or worse and also find yourself looking for leap of faith from somewhere to come lift you out of it.

In a village where there’s unity, where there’s togetherness, there’s not only understanding, but a sense of belonging because everyone in there is aware that progress can only made by being sensitive to each others problems and struggles. Most importantly, helping each other to overcome those struggles.

There’s nothing positive to gain about ridiculing another mans struggle and life as we know it has it ways of making us regretful of our present actions. So take a moment to assess the situation you find yourself in.

Be humble and thankful for the good place you find yourself in. However in the process of doing that spare a thought for those who are unfortunate to find themselves in ruts and provide some sort of assistance whichever way you can.

You don’t only have the chance to change the life of someone but also enrich yourself with blessings beyond your comprehension. Continue reading

Suave 24/7 - 365

Words Of Inspiration (#236)

Free as the wind let your mind be free,

The opportunities are endless so be relentless in

your pursuit for success.. dare to dream,

Remember that not all 5 fingers on the hand are the

same so before you go out making complains, envying

your sisters love life or your brothers Range,

know that blessings are distributed evenly so your time

will come eventually, come what may,

The road may seem unbearable, life may strike you


But you’re here for a purpose, in the thick of it all lies

your crown,

Wisdom can teach you, pride can deflate you,

Wisdom will make you only if you don’t allow pride to

break you,

Friends will come and go, so don’t let hate strike your


Just let God and let go, true friends will acclimatize with

you through times of good and evil,

You are precious love, you are the symbol of love,

You are the epitome of purity, so continue to be..that angel

sent from above with gracious humility,

You are brave brother, your limit knows no boundaries,

You are destined to carry on the legacy of your

be determined to work through the pain barrier,

Be that bread winner, aspire to acquire that persona of a father


May your dreams come to life,

May you be strengthend in Allah and Christ,

May your flaws hold no dominion in your quest to seek perfection

as a way of life,

You are the light, He is the prism,

Glance off His energy and seek flying colors in attaining eternity

in His kingdom..


Suave 24/7 - 365

Words Of Inspiration (#235)

What spurs you on? Are you buoyed by success? Maybe failure? Perhaps by the sound of doubts from people who think you are not worthy to be at the top or rise from precarious positions? Or maybe you’re just a natural believer of guaranteed success whenever a situation arises?

Whatever it is, don’t let its flame ever die out. Its what has kept you going for years and since its a tried and tested antidote, we must rely it on but not too heavily. Time and time again, we see people trying to change their methodical ways of doing things and there’s nothing completely wrong with that.

However its when we alter the winning formula or what gives us stability that we tend to fall short. Think of it this way, a football team has a specialized formation that seems to guarantee them success against any opposition they come across.

For some reasons, on one particular matchday, the coach decides to tinker with the formation and as much as the team scrapes through, he decides to use it in subsequent games and starts drawing and losing games. In this scenario, it doesn’t matter how good the players are, the fact that you adjust the formula that’s been a success to you means you’re inviting other teams to get at you.

It is true that variety is the spice of life but your identity is as pivotal as the task that you come across daily. The identity allows you to be in your comfort zone and any adjustment has the potential to either fail you miserably or give you a measure of success.

Either ways the risk taking part of life should not come in adjusting tried and tested theories but rather applying those theories to situations that on the surface look tougher than they may actually be.

Be confident in yourself and your formula and seek progression rather than stagnation.

Suave 24/7 - 365

Words Of Inspiration (#234)

One of the greatest fears of man (or woman) is the thought of being not loved. It has more of a psychological effect than a physical effect but the former leads to the latter.

As human beings, we all need to be loved. We need someone by our side to tell us that its ok and to appreciate us and to have the need and feeling of being appreciated. Once we do not have that, we tend to think we’re alone in this world and nothing or no one exists. The ultimate end sometimes to this notion is to go down the suicidal path. A sad, but true story that we live with.

You need to understand that the basis of love starts with loving your Maker and Creator. The One who made you and brought you into this world. His love is the first and foremost kind of any love before we transcend the other kinds.

So before you criticize the world of not loving you, remember that He loved you so much to have created you and have a purpose for YOU. That He loves you enough for you to still be here when probably others around your age bracket have passed on is a sign of His belief and faith in you and as such you need to reciprocate the actions.

After realizing that first step of love, love yourself. Be able to say, I’m happy to be the person that I am, that I’m growing to be, that my Maker wants me to be. People forget that you can’t love others without loving yourself first and that’s the cardinal sin most of us make. How do you even accept the love of others when you have trust issues with yourself?

You don’t need to be someone you’re not to love yourself for you were created in the image of your Maker, that alone should tell you that, you were created in perfection before His eyes, but imperfection before all others.

Finally when you have been able to define and love yourself remember that love does not come always sweet. It comes sour but not because people want to be sour with you, but because more often than not the truth is sour and your loved ones are the only ones who’ll not be afraid to tell it as it in your face.

The main point of this is to tell you that they care and that you don’t need to be down certain roads depleting this precious gift of life you have. Isn’t it wonderful to have people love you in that sense? Some call it tough love, others call it, abusive but whichever way you see it as, the connotation behind it still remains.

So fear not today of not being loved, you are loved immensely by anyone and everyone associated with you positively. Accept that not everyone will and not everyone should love you. After all we live with imperfection in this world and the nature to agree and disagree makes the debate or argument of living even the more interesting if not wonderful.
